What is your background and where do you really come from? My ancestors come from Scotland and Ireland. As peasants and farmers they made their way to the United States many many years ago in hopes of a better future, not only for them but for future generations. They came here and made their way out west and always kept their faith in their beliefs. I can't imagine what they must have gone through in order to leave their homes and come to a new world just to face opposition and trials. I often think about how they must have had rock solid belief in what they had chosen to do, in order to see it through.
How often do we second guess ourselves and our decisions? It is easy to hear and let the "noise" in which we allow to distract us. I know my ancestors had a lot of opposition and distractions come their way...but they kept moving in the direction where they knew they would find happiness.
Now hundreds of years later the sacrifices of my peasant ancestors have led to generations of doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, committed mothers, fathers and children that recognize that sacrifice and work hard on a daily basis to give back and influence others for good.
How does this story relate to me and my life? I wake up each day with the knowledge of my responsibility to do good and influence people's lives for good. My opinion is that success can only be achieved through sacrifice. The more one sacrifices in the pursuit of a worthy goal, the higher the reward. There will be obstacles and some may feel too big to overcome, but the law of sacrifice does not change. Work towards your goal and you will achieve it in the end.
Sometime you may feel like the people headed out west in pursuit of the happiness they dreamt of, but just know that no matter how hard the road is, your sacrifice will provide generations of future successes and freedoms.
So on this Memorial Day I say thank you to those ancestors, men and women that have died and sacrificed for me and you.
This is just one blessing and success story that is because of sacrifices made by pathfinders (leaders) long ago. This is my family!